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ELECTRO- MAGNETISMMagnetic Fieldsa) distinguish between magnetic flux density and Magnetic field intensity, IL
b) investigate the magnetic field density due to a conductor carrying a current.
c) analyse the motion of a charged particle moving in a magnetic field.
ELECTRO- MAGNETISMMagnetic properties of materialsa) investigate magnetic permeability of materials,
h) examine magnetization of different materials,
c) interpret the hysteresis loop for 13 and 11.
d) distinguish among Ferromagnetic, Paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials.
ELECTRO- MAGNETISMMagnetic forcesa) investigate the factors which determine the magnetic force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
b) determine the torque on a current loop in a magnetic field.
c) identification of magnetic forces applications
ELECTRO- MAGNETISMMagnetic forcesa) investigate the factors which determine the magnetic force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field.
b) determine the torque on a current loop in a magnetic field.
c) identification of magnetic forces applications
ELECTRO- MAGNETISMElectromagnetic inductiona) Explain the concept of Flux linkage,
b) investigate factors which determine the induced emf
c) Distinguish between sell- induction and mutual induction,
d) determine the energy stored in inductor,
ELECTRO- MAGNETISMMagnetic field oldie Eartha) explain the origin of Earth's magnetic field.
b) describe structure of Earth's magnetic field,
c) explain variations of Earth's magnetic field,
d) analyse components of the Earth's magnetic field.

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